Choosing which colors to paint your home indoors is a notoriously complicated business, especially if you and your partner are divided on what works best. There is also a wide range of colors and finishes to choose from and distinguish between one tone and another, when the difference is so subtle that it is barely noticeable, it can be more confusing than enlightening! It looks good on your display, on paper, or on the side of the can, but what will it look like once you start painting your interior walls?

In addition to finding the color that you like, you should also consider the size of the room that you are about to paint. It is a fact that houses in Spain are among the smallest in Western Europe, with an average size of a new house of 76 square meters, almost half the size of houses in Denmark. Although there are no hard and fast rules for small room painting ideas, it is your home, after all, certain colors make a room appear smaller, while others do the opposite and create an illusion of space.

Use light colors, especially white

As a general rule of thumb, lighter colors give the impression that they are receding and darker colors appear as if they are coming towards you or closing in, so if you want to make a small space look bigger then it is better to use light colors. . White can be very effective and is widely available in pure white, as well as many different shades and textures that can help give a warmer and less stark finish.

Light blue, cream colors, and even neutral tones also work well on walls and trim, helping to reflect available light and giving that airy feel of more space. Painting the ceiling the same light color will add to the feeling of spaciousness, as will painting the floor if that’s an option. White or light painted floorboards can be very stylish, although it can make a room look and feel cool and is perhaps more suitable for warmer climates than ours.

The shape of the room is something else to consider when choosing a color. Painting the two shorter end walls in a long corridor room a darker color will make the space appear more boxy and more spacious. If you don’t have a lot of natural light available, adding a large mirror is an effective way to reflect light and make a small room feel bigger.

Darker colors absorb light, hence the feeling of closure of the space in which it may not be a problem if the room is large. Dark colors will help a large room feel warmer and more inviting. However, in a small room, heavier shades of blue, green, red, and brown will make the room appear smaller and darker. Dark colors can still work well if the moldings and trim on the wall are painted the same color, so everything blends in. Painting the edge a lighter color from the walls, on the other hand, exaggerates the line between the wall and the ceiling and the contrast makes the room feel bad.

Here is a video with further tips to help you paint your small room with ease.